Britain needed ____ to pay for the French and Indian War. Colonists paid ____ in taxes than Britain so now it was time to enforce ____ rules- where the money goes back to Britain.____ tried to united the colonies in the ____ The ____ ended the war. Britain began to tax the colonies. These methods were a ____ or were ____ in Parliament. The ____ said colonists could not settle the to ____ of the ____ to keep trade at the ____ This violated colonist's right to ____ or their right to do what makes them profit or money. The King kept ____ in the colonies to make sure they did not settle to the west. To try to stop ____, the King created the ____ , hoping colonists would pay the tax instead of smuggling. This was done without colonists ____ . To make sure he got his profits, he also included the ____ that overrode the right of a ____ with ____. If you were caught with smuggled goods, you were sent to Britain to a ____ that had no ____ which also was against our rights in the English Bill of Rights. When the king placed the ____ or taxed paper goods, the colonists finally had enough of ____ They began to protest led by ____ and the Sons of Liberty. Their famous quote was no taxation without representation. They protested by: sending a ____ or letter by Patrick Henry asking the King to stop, ____ or not buying British goods and ____ of British goods or not selling them. The king lost a lot of money and had to ____ or get rid of the Stamp Act. But to show he was boss, he claimed in the ____ that the king taxed the colonies which violated our ____ and to show this power he placed the ____ on them which taxed imports before they got to the towns. The King taxed tea in the ____ without representation. This led to Sam Adams and the ____ throwing the tea from the British ships in the harbor - the ____. the king lost a lot of money so he made the ____ or Coercive Acts which closed the ____, outlawed ____, and created the ____ making the colonists house the British soldiers. These violated our rights. The colonists were upset and decided their representatives would meet at the ____

Causes of the American Revolution


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