The basic unit of all living things. - Cell, The study of the structure of the human body. - Anatomy, The study of the functions of the body. - Physiology, The process of cell reproduction. - Mitosis, A collection of similar cells that perform a particular function. - Tissue, Structures composed of specialized tissues designed to perform a particular function. - Organs, The part of a muscle that does not move and is attached closest to the skeleton. - Origin, The part of the muscle that moves and is farthest from the skeleton. - Insertion, The ring muscle surrounding the eye socket. - Obicularis Oculi, The branch of the nervous system responsible for voluntary muscle movements - Central Nervous System, The branch of the nervous system responsible for involuntary muscle movements - Autonomic Nervous System, The branch of the nervous system responsible for impulses and messages to and from the central nervous system. - Peripheral Nervous System, Nerve tissue designed to carry impulses or messages from the sense organs to the brain. - Sensory Nerves, The nerve tissue designed to carry impulses from the brain and give movement instruction to the muscles. - Motor Nerves, Thick walled blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart. - Arteries, Thin walled blood vessels that carry blood and waste back to the heart and lungs for cleaning. - Veins, The main artery that supplies blood to the head face and neck. - Common Carotid Arteries, The phase of metabolism that involves breaking down complex compunds within a cell. - Catabolism, The phase of metabolism the constructs complex compounds from smaller unusable ones, and requires energy. - Anabolism, A clear liquid that circulates to remove waste and impurities from the body. - Lymph,

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