hygiene - keeping yourself clean, appearance - the way something or someone looks, punctuality - being on time, arriving at the planned time, time management - process of deciding how to spend your time, manners - following a set of social rules, listening skills - paying attention to someone so you can hear what is being said, behavior - the way that someone responds or acts, task completion - when you are given a job to finish, title - the name given to something to identify or describe it, role - the part that someone has on a job or activity, job specification - a detailed description of what work needs to be done, foundation - facts that support your beliefs, competencies - abilities or skills, preparation - to be ready , outlook - the way that a person thinks or person's point of view, realistic - the doer, investigative - the thinker, artistic - the creator, social - the helper, enterprising - the presuader, conventional - the organizer, traditional - typical or normal for someone or something , nontraditional - new and different from what is usually done, barrier - something that makes it difficult for people,
PRE-ETS WorkPlace Readiness
Vocational / Technical
Special Education
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