1) Yo soy a) You like (informal) b) I am (permanent characteristics) c) My name is (I call myself) d) She likes  2) Yo estoy a) I am (temporary feelings) b) He is (permanent characteristics) c) You are (permanent characteristics) d) I have 3) Yo me llamo a) You are (permanent characteristics) b) She is (temporary feelings) c) My name is (I call myself) d) I am (permanent characteristics) 4) Yo tengo a) Your name is (you call yourself) b) You are (permanent characteristics) c) I have d) You like (informal) 5) a mí me gusta a) I am (temporary feelings) b) you have c) I like  d) She likes  6) Tú eres a) You are (permanent characteristics) b) you have c) My name is (I call myself) d) You like (informal) 7) Tú estás a) My name is (I call myself) b) He is (permanent characteristics) c) You are (temporary feelings) d) You like (informal) 8) Tú te llamas a) you have b) Your name is (formal) c) You are (permanent characteristics) d) Your name is (you call yourself) 9) Tú tienes a) you have b) I like  c) She is (temporary feelings) d) You like (informal) 10) a ti te gusta    a) You like (informal) b) You are (temporary feelings) c) He has d) She is (temporary feelings) 11) Él  es a) He is (permanent characteristics) b) You are (permanent characteristics) c) I am (temporary feelings) d) She is (temporary feelings) 12) Ella  está a) Your name is (formal) b) You are (temporary feelings) c) My name is (I call myself) d) She is (temporary feelings) 13) Ud. se llama a) My name is (I call myself) b) Your name is (you call yourself) c) Your name is (formal) d) He has 14) Él tiene a) He is (permanent characteristics) b) He has c) I am (temporary feelings) d) Your name is (formal) 15) A ella le gusta  a) She likes  b) You like (informal) c) I have d) He has

Unit 1 verbs

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