Expected: Waiting until the teacher is done talking, Gives other people good thoughts and feelings, Small, normal body movements in class, Adding a comment in the middle of class by raising your hand, Staying quiet once you've completed the math problem, Keeping your comment about losing your pencil in your head, Respecting someone's space bubble (NO body blurting), Keeping a comment about how you forgot to write something down in your head, Waiting until the teacher is done talking to another student to ask your question, Keeping a comment about a good grade in your head in class, Shows you are paying attention to the other person, Keeping the "flow" of the group going, Keeping a comment about how you do the math problem in your head, NOT blurting, Adding a comment when CALLED ON , Talking as much as other students in class, Words are not distracting others, Waiting until another student is done talking, Body is not distracting others, Waiting until the conversation is done to leave the group, Waiting until your friend is done talking to add a comment, Using your "brain filter", Giving the teacher enough space, Keeping comments in your head during silent work time , Makes other people want to be around you, Unexpected: Adding a comment in the middle of class WITHOUT raising your hand, Breaking someone's space bubble, Asking a question while the teacher is already talking to someone else, Shows you are NOT paying attention to the other person, Gives other people annoyed and frustrated feelings, Not using your "brain filter", Ruins the "flow" of a group, Making a comment about losing your pencil out loud in class, Making a comment about a good grade out loud in class, Interrupting a teacher, Interrupting another student, Going right up to the teacher, Saying a comment about how you do the math problem out loud, Saying a comment about how you forgot to write something down out loud, Saying "I got it!" when you completed the math problem and other people are still working, Talking out loud during silent work time, Talking MORE than other students in class, NOT waiting until your friend is done talking to add a comment, Leaving the group in the middle of a conversation without saying goodbye, Big body movements in class, Adding a comment when NOT CALLED ON, Body is distracting others, Words are distracting others, Makes other people not want to be around you, Blurting,
Blurting: Expected v. Unexpected
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