1) a spring plant with a large, brightly coloured, bell-shaped flower a) respect b) tulip c) care 2) look after, pay attention to someone/something important a) care b) success c) brave 3) to come together to publicly show dislike or opposition to something a) protest b) equal c) support 4) fighting for women's rights, being equal with men a) respect b) feminism c) protest 5) a feature of character, being caring, nice and friendly to others a) success b) support c) kindness 6) be the same as in number, having the same rights a) caring b) progress c) equal 7) help in difficult situations a) support b) respect c) vote 8) not scared in dangerous or difficult situations a) smart b) brave c) intelligent 9) to feel or show admiration for someone or something; to be polite with them a) happiness b) protest c) respect 10) the process of teaching or learning a) progress b) education c) support 11) to express (say/write) your choice (for example to choose a president) a) vote b) care c) love 12) a fun party for some special reason a) protest b) happiness c) celebration 13) the process of becoming better, moving forward a) progress b) love c) support 14) clever a) intelligent b) friendly c) caring

Women's Day Vocabulary


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