1) Is it a good idea to copy & paste large sections of text from the literature at the reading stage? a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes 2) Why is it a good idea to include references in an essay outline? a) so that you can just copy and paste them straight into your essay b) so that you do not have to look at them again c) so that you can be more organised and systematic in your learning 3) Is it important to think about paragraphs at the outline stage? a) Yes  b) No c) Sometimes 4) Which of these features should NOT appear in an essay introduction to a Field of Nursing essay?  a) a brief description of the role you took and the context the reflection refers to b) a detailed explanation of your daily routine on the ward c) an indication of what issues will be discussed later 5) Which of these statements is GOOD advice about writing introductions? a) All introductions follow a set structure in academic writing b) Never include references in introductions c) You can go back and re-draft the introduction after completing the rest of the essay

Planning & Outling Quiz (DLP Nursing)

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