arrivals hall  - the area of an airport where incoming passengers arrive, buffet car - a carriage on a train where food and drinks can be bought, cabin - a separate space in an aircraft for passengers or for the people operating it, or a room on a ship equipped with beds for sleeping, car park - an area of ground for parking cars, check-in desk  - one of the places at an airport where you show your ticket so that you can be told where you will be sitting, coach bay - marked off area or a platform where a coach parks dropping off or waiting for passengers, coach station - a place where coaches (= vehicles) arrive and leave from, deck - a flat area for walking on, built across the space between the sides of a boat, departure gate - (in a large airport) any of the numbered exits leading to the airfield or aircraft, filling station - a petrol station, harbour - an area of water next to the coast, often protected from the sea by a thick wall, where ships and boats can shelter, level crossing - a place where a railway and a road cross each other, usually with gates that stop the traffic while a train goes past, lost property office - a place in a public building where things that people have lost are stored, service station - a place where fuel is sold for road vehicles, often with a small shop, sleeper - a carriage in a train with beds for passengers to sleep in, or one of the beds in this carriage, or the type of train that has these carriages, taxi rank - a place where taxis wait for customers, ticket barrier - a barrier through which you are allowed to pass only if you show a valid train ticket or insert a valid train ticket into a machine, ticket office - a place where you can buy a ticket,

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