Autonomy - Respecting the rights of others to make their own decisions, Beneficence - Duty to act to benefit or promote the health and well-being of others, Nonmalficence - Doing no harm to the patient, Justice - Duty to distribute resources or care equally regardless of personal attributes, Fidelity - Maintaining loyalty and commitment to the patient and doing no wrong to the patient, Veracity - Duty to communicate truthfully / non misleading way, Patient Rights - right to treatment, right to refuse, right to informed consent, right to confidentiality, right to freedom from restraints/ seclusion , Assult - Making a threat to a client’s person (approaching the client in a threatening manner with a syringe in hand) is considered assault., Battery - Touching a client in a harmful or offensive way is considered battery. This would occur if the nurse threatening the client with a syringe actually grabbed the client and gave an injection against the client's will., False Imprisonment - Confining a client to a specific area (a seclusion room) physically, verbally, or using a chemical restraint when it is not part of the clients treatment (i.e. to prevent client harm to self or others) is considered false imprisonment., Invasion of Privacy - the intrusion into the personal life of another, without just cause, which can give the person whose privacy has been invaded a right to bring a lawsuit for damages against the person or entity that intruded, Defamation of Character - alse statement presented as a fact that causes injury or damage to the character of the person it is about., Negligence - Failing to provide adequate care in a personal or professional situation when one has an obligation to do so., Unintentional Tort - actions or inactions that cause unintended harm as a result of failing to meet one's duty of care in either a personal or professional situationNegligence & Malpractice,
MH: Nursing Ethics, Legal terms, Torts
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