A — person is always telling people what to do. - bossy, A _____person does nice things for other people - kind, A ________person likes spending time with other people - sociable, A _____person doesn't change their mind easily. - stubborn, A — person changes how they're feeling very quickly - moody, A — person never knows what they're doing next. - disorganised, A — person often thinks things will be bad. - negative, An___ person is usually relaxed and doesn't worry too much. - easy-going, A--- finds it difficult to speak to people they don't know - shy, A ______person never does any work or makes much effort - lazy, An __________person always tells the truth - honest, A__________person has lots of interesting ideas - creative, An___________person wants to be successful in their caree - ambitious, A__________person never gets angry or loses her temper. - calm, A_________person always does what they say she will do - reliable, An__________person is able to adjust when circumstances shift - adaptable, A__A_______person is able to work well with others - Collaborative, A__________person tries to help people feel more excited - Energetic, An _________person works hard achieve their objectives - goal-oriented, An_________person can cheer up and influence other people - Inspirational, A__person is dedicated to their work/hobbies - Passionate,
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