1) What is an ocean? a) a narrow body of water b) a piece of land that touches water c) a very deep part of a lake d) a huge body of salt water 2) Why are there not as many ocean plants as there are land plants? a) There is too much water in the ocean for plants. b) Large sea animals eat most plants in the ocean c) Sunlight cannot reach deep parts of the ocean d) Ocean plants tend to not live as long as land plants 3) Killer whales are ocean animals that.. a) eat only plants b) live in groups c) swim alone d) all of the above 4) Most animals in the ocean live... a) near the surface b) at the bottom c) under the sand d) in the middle 5) What body part do fish use to get air? a) heart b) lungs c) gills d) blood 6) To survive in the ocean, some animals may... a) hide in seaweed b) find a shell for shelter c) change colors to blend in d) all of the above

Ocean Quiz


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