1) Yesterday Lily and her family _____________ a picnic in the forest. a) had b) have c) has 2) Yesterday Lily ____________ sad. a) is b) was c) were 3) Yesterday Grandmother and Lily __________ on the blanket. a) sit b) sat c) say 4) Yesterday Charlie ___________ at the ducks. a) look b) looks c) looked 5) Yesterday there ___________three ducks. a) was b) are c) were 6) Yesterday Lily _________ bad bread in her hand. a) had b) have c) has 7) Yesterday there ____________Lily's bag under the tree. a) were b) was c) is 8) Yesterday Charlie _____________ good bread to the ducks. a) gives b) give c) gave 9) Yesterday there ____________ a blue bird on the tree. a) is b) was c) were 10) Yesterday Lily _____________ to draw plants in the forest. a) wanted b) wants c) want

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Vizualinis stilius


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