nachos - My very educated mother just served us these, Mercury - The closest planet to the sun, Venus - Sister planet to Earth, Mars - The 4th planet from the sun, The Asteroid Belt - Separates the inner and outer planets, Milky Way - The Galaxy we live in, Sun - What the planets revolve around, Gravity and Inertia - What keeps the planets from floating off into outer space, Earth - The only planet to have life on it, Gas - The 4 outer planets are composed of this, Jupiter - The largest planet in our solar system, Ice - What the rings are made out of around the gas giants, Neptune - The 8th planet from the sun, Comet - A small body made out of dust, rock, gas, and ice, Asteroids - Large pieces of space rock with irregular shapes, Mars and Jupiter - Asteroid Belt is between these two planets, Meteorite - A meteor that lands on Earth, Fall - Current season we are in, Mrs. Evans - Best Science Teacher in the Universe, Big Mac - Best Mcdonald's sandwich, Taco Bell - Run to the Border!!,
Planets By Mrs. E
6th Grade
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