pushy - behaving in an unpleasant way by trying too much to get something or to make someone do something, tacky - of cheap quality or in bad style, glowing - praising someone a lot, modest - not usually talking about or making obvious your own abilities and achievements , adoring - showing very strong love for someone , outrageous - shocking, too much, a lot of, die-hard - someone who is unwilling to change or give up their ideas or behaviour, even if there are good reasons to do so, lukewarm - not enthusiastic or interested , gushing - expressing a positive feeling, especially praise, in such a strong way that it does not sound sincere, meagre - very small or not enough, moderate - neither small nor large in size, amount, degree, or strength, firm - making people do what you want, strict , doting - showing that you love someone very much, flimsy - very thin, or easily broken or destroyed , bite-size - _____ piece of food is small enough to put in your mouth whole, durable - able to last and be used for a long time without becoming damaged , driving - strong and powerful , consuming - a____ emotion is very strong, blind - used to describe an extreme feeling that happens without thought or reason, processed - ____ food has had some sort of chemical or industrial treatment in order to cook it, improve its taste or appearance , nutritious - containing many of the substances needed for life and growth,
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