The respiratory system help us _____. - breath, Parts of the respiratory system: - lungs, trachea, mouth and nose, diaphragm., We breath in________ and exhale _________. - oxygen / carbon dioxide, The left lung is smaller because_________ - it's making room for the heart., digestive system: - digest our food and get nutrients for our food, Parts of the digestive system are______ - the mouth, stomach, esophagus, large and small intestine., The small intestine: - is in charge of gathering all the vitamins, minerals, and proteins from your food, What connects the mouth to the stomach? - the esophagus , Motor nerves: - controls our movement, Skeletal system: - provides support for our body and protects our organs, The skull: - protects our brain., What is the size of your heart? - the size of your fist., What protects your lungs and heart? - the ribcage, How many bones are in the human body? - 206, Sensory nerves: - Control our senses, Parts of the Nervous system: - brain, spinal cord, nerves, The brain: - never stops working even when you're sleeping., Parts of the Circulatory system: - Heart, blood, blood vessels (veins and arteries), Circulation: - The movement of of blood through the heart and your body.,
Human Body (Test Prep)
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