personal - A ________ opinion, quality, or thing belongs or relates to a particular person, exaggerates - If someone ________ , he or she indicates that something is bigger, worse, or more important than it really is., abnormal - Something that is ________ is unusual, often in a way that is troublesome., abolishes - If someone in authority ________ a practice, he or she puts an end to that practice., intention - An ____________is an idea or plan of what you are going to do., explain - Give details about something or describe it so it can be understood., possess - If you ____________something, you have it or own it. , external - Happening, coming from, or existing outside a place, person, or area, contaminated - Something that becomes impure or harmful by dirt, chemicals, or radiation, incentive - Something that encourages you to do something., immortal - Someone or something that is famous and likely to be remembered for a long time is _______, expedition - An organized journey made for a particular purpose,

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