1) Who is Romeo 'in love' with at the beginning of the play? a) Juliet b) Rosaline c) The Nurse 2) Why do Romeo and his friends gatecrash the Capulet's ball?  a) Romeo spots Rosaline's name on the list of guests b) They want to go to a party c) They are friends of the Capulets d) Benvolio thinks Romeo should compare Rosaline to other beauties 3) Who asks Lord Capulet for Juliet's hand in marriage at the beginning of the play? a) Tybalt b) Paris c) Benvolio d) Prince Escalus 4) How does Lord Capulet feel, at this point, about Juliet getting married? a) He thinks it's a great idea b) He thinks she is too young yet 5) What does Juliet think about marrying Paris in the beginning of the play? a) She says she will follow what her parents want her to do b) She wants to marry Paris c) She seems surprised by the suggestion 6) How would you describe the relationship between the Nurse and Juliet in the first Act of the play? a) They are close and affectionate with each other b) Juliet doesn't like the Nurse 7) How would you describe the relationship between Lady Capulet and her daughter Juliet in the first Act of the play? a) Lady Capulet seems uncomfortable talking to Juliet alone b) They are close and can talk about anything to each other 8) How do Romeo and his friends manage to gate crash the Capulet's party? a) They force their way into the party b) They are wearing masks so no one knows who they are 9) How does Tybalt feel when he realises Romeo is at the party? a) He is happy b) He is full of anger and wants revenge 10) How do Romeo and Juliet feel when they see each other for the first time? a) They appear to fall instantly in love with each other b) They don't like each other 11) Romeo compares Juliet to a ...... and says he is a pilgrim visiting her shrine a) Saint b) rhinoceros 12) At the end of the Act, how do Romeo and Juliet feel when they find out that they are from enemy families?  a) Happy b) Shocked 13) At the beginning of the play, what does Prince Escalus say he will do if fights break out again?  a) He will use the death penalty b) He will join in with the fighting

Romeo and Juliet Summary Act 1

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