1. The enemy forces decided to ____ the city, cutting off all ____ routes and surrounding it completely. 2. During the war, the city was under siege for several months, ____ constant attacks and hardships. 3. 4. The ____ of the city marked the end of the battle, bringing relief to its war-weary inhabitants. 5. The invading army ravaged the countryside, leaving destruction and ____ in their wake. 6. The marauding soldiers proceeded to ____ the village, looting homes and causing chaos. 7. The grand banquet served a meal fit for a king, with exquisite ____ prepared by renowned chefs. 8. The restaurant is known for its world-class meals, offering a ____ experience like no other. 9. The haunting sound of ____ echoed through the streets, adding a touch of Scottish tradition to the atmosphere. 10. The ____ set up his ____ in the bustling market, showcasing a variety of goods for sale. 11. He was not only a skilled peddler but also a good ____, engaging customers with his wit and charm. 12. We did some research to ____ information about the historical event, delving into archives and studying various sources. 13. We decided to look into the matter further, conducting interviews and collecting data to gain a ____ understanding. 14. We ____ on a quest to find out the truth, uncovering hidden secrets and ____ the mystery. 15. The generous benefactor donated a significant amount of money to support the ____ cause.

HA General Vocabulary Revision 3

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