Social media has had a more positive impact on businesses than traditional advertising methods (Mary is for, Nastya is against), The use of celebrities in marketing campaigns is an effective strategy to increase brand awareness and sales (Nastya is for, Mary is against)), Small businesses are at a disadvantage (are losers)) compared to large corporations due to limited resources and market dominance (Mary is for, Nastya is against) , The use of humor in advertising is an effective way to engage and connect with consumers (Nastya is for, Mary is against), Artificial intelligence (AI) will revolutionize the way businesses operate and interact with customers (Mary is for, Nastya is against) , Companies should be allowed to collect and use personal data for targeted advertising (Nastya is against), To be good at marketing is more important than having a superior product (Mary is for, Nastya is against), Entrepreneurs should explore various methods to raise money for their businesses rather than relying only on traditional financing options (Mary is against, Nastya is for), Redesigning and reinventing products and services is necessary to stay competitive in the market (Nastya is against, Mary is for), To be based in an impressive office means to maintain a positive company's image and success (Mary is for, Nastya is against), Being a sole trader provides more independence and decision-making power than being part of a larger organization (Nastya is for, Mary is against).
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