1) Identify the tool a) Brick Trowel b) Pointing Trowel c) Spirit Level d) Tape Measure e) Jointing bar f) String line 2) Identify the tool a) Brick Trowel b) Pointing Trowel c) Spirit Level d) Tape Measure e) Jointing bar f) String line 3) Identify the tool a) Brick Trowel b) Pointing Trowel c) Spirit Level d) Tape Measure e) Jointing bar f) String line 4) Identify the tool a) Brick Trowel b) Pointing Trowel c) Spirit Level d) Tape Measure e) Jointing bar f) String line 5) Identify the tool a) Brick Trowel b) Pointing Trowel c) Spirit Level d) Tape Measure e) Jointing bar f) String line 6) Identify the tool a) Brick Trowel b) Pointing Trowel c) Spirit Level d) Tape Measure e) Jointing bar f) String line

Construction tools identification

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