absent-minded - someone who forgets things, especially because you are thinking about something else, bad-tempered - someone who becomes easily annoyed and talks in an angry way to people, big-headed - arrogant , easy-going - someone who is not easily upset, annoyed, or worried, good-tempered - pleasant, kind, and not easily made angry, laid-back - someone who is relaxed and does no seem to be worried about anything, narrow-minded - someone who does not want to accept or understand new or different ideas, opinions, or customs, open-minded - someone who is ready to accept other people's ideas , self-centered - someone who pays so much attention to yourself that you do not notice what is happening to other people, strong-willed - knowing exactly what you want to do and being determined to achieve it, even if other people advise you against it, tight-fisted - not generous with money / stingy , two-faced - someone who changes what you say according to who you are talking to, in a way that is insincere and unpleasant, well-balanced - someone who does not allow strong emotions to control their behaviour, well-behaved - someone who behaves in a calm polite way, and not being rude or violent, like-minded - having similar interests and opinions, self-sufficient - independent, doesn't need anybody else,
EF Upper Unit 1B compound adjectives
English file 4th edition
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