1) Identify the chord position. a) root position b) 1st inversion c) 2nd inversion 2) Identify the chord position.  a) root position b) 1st inversion c) 2nd inversion 3) Identify the chord position.  a) root position b) 1st inversion c) 2nd inversion 4) Identify the chord position.  a) root position b) 1st inversion c) 2nd inversion 5) Identify the chord position.  a) root position b) 1st inversion c) 2nd inversion 6) Identify the chord position.  a) root position b) 1st inversion c) 2nd inversion 7) Identify the chord position.  a) root position b) 1st inversion c) 2nd inversion 8) Identify the chord position.  a) root position b) 1st inversion c) 2nd inversion

Inversions of chords 1: C major treble clef only

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