Character vs. Self - Tommy can't decide if he should cook dinner or order take out., Character vs. Character - Jimmy and Jill are competing for the goalie position on their all-season soccer team, Character vs. Nature - Everytime the mailman delivers mail to number 4 Privet Dr., he is chased away by their owl., Character vs. Society - Joanie doesn't think it's fair that women are not allowed to drive in her country. She wants to change that law., Character vs. Technology - When the students tried to log into their Zoom classes on Monday, the website crashed and they could not join the class., Character vs. Supernatural - Sam and Dean came across a strange animal in the woods, it looked half-human and half-wolf, and when it came after them not even their rifles could stop it.  , Conflict - The struggle or challenge between two opposing forces., Internal Conflict - A conflict within a character., External Conflict - A conflict outside of a character.,

Types of Conflict

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