animación - animation, arte callejero - street art, arte digital - digital art, autorretrato - self-portrait, bosquejo - sketch, cerámica - pottery; ceramics, clásico - classic, cuadro - framed picture, dibujo - drawing, escultura - sculpture, fotografía - photograph, moderno - modern, mural - mural, naturaleza muerta - still life, obra - work of art, obra de arte - masterpiece, pintura - painting, realista - realistic, retrato - portrait, arte abstracto - abstract art, buscar - to search for, cubismo - Cubism, expresionismo - expressionismo, impresionismo - Impressionism, muralismo - Muralism, nacer - to be born, realismo - realism, siglo - century, surrealismo - Surrealism, a lo largo de - throughout, a menudo - often, abstracto - abstract, aburrido - boring, acuarela - watercolor, aparcer - to appear; to seem, aparte de - aside from, apreciar - to appreciate, auténtico - authentic, borde - border, colores apagados - muted colors, colores brillantes - bright colors, colores oscuros - dark colors, colorido - colors, cuidadoso - careful, de modo - in a way, de modo que - so that, descarnado - bare, desprovisto - lacking, detalle - detail, encanto - charm, expresarse - to express oneself, extraño; raro - weird; strange, exxtraviado - lost, familia - family, familia real - royal family, figuras - figures, florero - vase, fondo - background, fuente de inspiración - source of inspiration, geométrico - geometric, guerra - war, historia - history, imagen - image, influir - to influence, iniciar - to begin, inquietante - disturbing, inspirar - to inspire, lienzo - canvas, línea definida - well-defined line, líneas - lines, llegar a ser - to become, marco - frame, monocromático - monochromatic, monumento - monument, movimiento - movement, muerte - death, naturaleza - nature, nsin embargo - however, óleo - oil painting, paleta - paletta, pastel - pastel, pincel - brush, pintar - to paint, primer plano - foreground, reflejar - to reflect, reflejar - to reflect, representar - to represent, sentimiento - feeling, sombra - shadow, taller - workshop, técnica - technique, tema - subject, volverse - to become,
CC - U4 - Arte como conciencia social - Todo el vocabulario - Parte 1
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