1) Which one follows the Rabbit Rule? a) crinkle b) boggle c) bundle 2) Which one follows the Rabbit Rule? a) ripple b) sample c) simple 3) Which one follows the Rabbit Rule? a) uncle b) sudden c) jingle 4) Which one follows the Rabbit Rule? a) tremble b) drizzle c) stumble 5) Which one follows the Rabbit Rule? a) single b) crinkle c) little 6) Which one follows the Rabbit Rule? a) cattle b) mascot c) magnet 7) Which one does NOT follow Rabbit Rule? a) puppet b) gossip c) oblong 8) Which one does NOT follow Rabbit Rule? a) happen b) humble c) muffin 9) Which one does NOT follow Rabbit Rule? a) guzzle b) tremble c) ripple 10) Which one does NOT follow Rabbit Rule? a) magnet b) annual c) gossip

Rabbit Rule

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