when did aquaculture begin in china - 3500bc, emperor li of the tang dynasty - banned the culture of common carp because the word for carp was “Li., polyculture - growing more than one species in the same water. Realizing that water is a three-dimensional habitat,, Polyculture with 4 species of carp - Grass carp, Bighead carp, Silver carp, Mud carp, In the Zhujiang Delta of South China - dike-pond system of agriculture still exists after more than 500 years., since 1963....... - Three species of Chinese carp the grass carp, silver carp, and bighead carp have been introduced into the United States for testing as farm fish. , Aquaculture in Egypt focused on - tilapia, and developments seem consistent with those of carp in China., Roman aquaculture focused on - mullet and Trout, Bohemia had about - 185,000 acres of ponds for carp., Dom Pinchon - he was the first person to collect natural spawn and incubate them in a hatching box , Many consider France as the - As the birthplace of modern aquaculture , The first hatchery was established in - 1852 , What did native americans know - a great deal about aquaculture , Hawaiian society centered around - the ocean, agriculture, and aquaculture, what are the 4 types of agriculture/aquaculture that existed in hawaii - Freshwater fish ponds fed by canals from streams,Taro Ponds that irrigated agricultural plots,Brackishwater fish ponds located near the shoreline,seawall fish ponds along the shoreline,walled off from the ocean by human made walls. , Hawaii’s integrated aquaculture existed until - 1778, when Europeans arrived ,disrupting the ancient religion of the people and removing the chiefs from ruling the ponds , some evidence suggests that the maya - trapped or cultured fish in ponds or canals around 500 to 800 B.C.,
Aquaculture basic notes
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