1) a fungus that grows in damp warm places a) fold b) wind c) find d) mold 2) to bend in half a) wind b) colt c) fold d) ghost 3) not warm enough a) colt b) cold c) find d) ghost 4) a precious metal a) gold b) most c) cold d) hold 5) to encounter a) find b) cold c) host d) ghost 6) to turn a clock a) colt b) mold c) wind d) fold 7) more then anyone else a) most b) wind c) cold d) fold 8) a young horse a) fold b) colt c) cold d) mold 9) when you invite people over a) hold b) host c) fold d) cold 10) to have something in your hand a) wind b) hold c) host d) ghost

Kind Old Words

Lyderių lentelė

Vizualinis stilius


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