1) richly, abundantly a) resolutely b) flee c) opulently d) brandish 2) in a way that shows high moral character a) opulently b) nobly c) rebuke d) hastily 3) without changing; of the same form or manner a) uniformly b) spew c) extol d) nobly 4) with determination; firm in purpose a) resolutely b) fatally c) brandish d) opulently 5) in a way that causes death or disaster a) extol b) spew c) flee d) fatally 6) quickly and with little thought a) intrigue b) uniformly c) hastily d) spew 7) to force out in a large amount, especially in anger or disgust a) spew b) brandish c) rebuke d) resolutely 8) to wave threateningly a) flee b) hastily c) brandish d) intrigue 9) to praise highly a) rebuke b) extol c) uniformly d) resolutely 10) to run away, as from danger a) flee b) opulently c) spew d) fatally 11) to blame or find fault with a) intrigue b) nobly c) uniformly d) rebuke 12) to captivate; to cause to be curious or fascinated a) flee b) resolutely c) intrigue d) hastily

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