What holiday is celebrated on October 31st? - Halloween., What do children traditionally wear when they go trick-or-treating on Halloween? - Costumes., What vegetable is commonly carved into a spooky face for Halloween? - Pumpkin., What do people often put inside a carved pumpkin to create a Jack-o'-lantern? - A candle or a tea light., What are the things that children ask for when they go around houses for "Trick or Treat"? - Candies or sweets., What creatures are associated with vampires? - Bats., In the phrase "Trick-or-treat," what does "treat" refer to? - Candy or sweets., What do people say when they knock on someone's door during Halloween to ask for candy? - "Trick-or-treat!"., What costume is traditionally associated with a witch? - A pointed hat and a broomstick., What is the name of the famous monster created by Dr. Frankenstein? - Frankenstein's Monster., What animal is often associated with witches and is thought to bring bad luck? - Black cats., What is the Halloween tradition of telling scary stories or tales of the supernatural called? - Ghost stories., In what country did the tradition of trick-or-treating originate? - The United States., What do mummies often have wrapped around them? - Bandages or cloth., In what month is Halloween celebrated? - October., What is the term for a house or a place filled with supernatural activity? - Haunted., What is the name of the Disney movie featuring a pumpkin king who tries to take over Christmas? - The Nightmare Before Christmas, Which famous author wrote the horror story "Dracula"? - Bram Stoker, What is the common name for a person who can transform into a wolf or wolf-like creature? - Werewolf, What is the term for the fear of spiders, a common Halloween symbol? - Arachnophobia., What is the term for a carved pumpkin with a scary face? - Jack-o'-lantern., How do you call a costume made with a white sheet, that has holes for eyes? - Ghost costume., What do children say when they want to play a Halloween prank? - "Trick!"., What do people traditionally hang outside their homes to guide spirits on Halloween night? - Lanterns or candles., What do people typically hang in front of their houses to signal that they are welcoming trick-or-treaters on Halloween? - Decorative or real pumpkins., What do witches use to stir their potions and brews? - A cauldron., What is the name of the tall, skinny, and friendly character from "The Nightmare Before Christmas"? - Jack Skellington., What color are a witch's typical striped stockings? - Black and another colour., What's the name of the Addams family's butler, who is often associated with Halloween? - Lurch., What is the term for a skeleton that has been brought back to life through supernatural means? - Zombie.,

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