What emotion is he showing?, You are watching your favorite movie and your mom made you popcorn. How do you feel?, What emotion is she showing?, What is one strategy you use to make yourself feel better when feeling angry?, What emotion is he showing?, Your sister just ripped your homework in half. You worked very hard on it and now it is ruined. How do you feel?, What emotion is she showing?, You are at your grandma's house and it is raining outside. You have nothing to do and you forgot your toys at home. How do you feel?, What emotion is she showing?, What is one strategy you use to make yourself feel better when you are feeling sad?, What emotion is he showing?, You stepped on your favorite toy and now it is broke. How do you feel?, What emotion is she showing?, When you are feeling overwhelmed, what is one way you can make yourself feel better?, What emotion is he showing?, You are getting a new bike today! How do you feel?.
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