I live in Kyiv and I take the BANANA to work every day because it's the quickest way of transport in the big city. - the Underground, My friend loves riding his BANANA on the weekends. - motorbike, The goods were delivered to the store using a large BANANA because there were many boxes to transport. - lorry, If you want to travel from England to France, you can take a BANANA that will carry you across the English Channel. - ferry, Sarah rides her electric BANANA to work because it's an eco-friendly mode of transportation. - scooter, The company uses a small white BANANA to transport packages and make deliveries to customers. - van, We were stuck in traffic on the BANANA for hours due to a major accident up ahead. - motorway, I take the BANANA to work every day because it's a cheap and convenient way to travel in the city. - tram, When traveling long distances, many people prefer to take a BANANA because it's more comfortable than car. - coach,

3A Vocabulary Transport Ex1a p.155

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