Acid - Any substance with a high concentration of hydrogen ions; H+, Aeration - Perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the plant roots, Alkaline - Any substance with a higher concentration of hydroxide ions, OH- ; also called basic, Anaerobic - Makes energy in the form of ATP WITHOUT the presence of oxygen, Anions - Negatively charged ions, Beefs Law - Chemical analysis measurements to determine the concentration of chemical species that absorb light, Buffers - A solution that can resist pH change, Cations - Positively charged ions, Colormetric - Determines concentration of chemical compounds in solution by measuring spectral absorbance of the compounds, Conductance - The degree to which an object conducts electricity, Dissolved Oxygen - A measure of how much oxygen is dissolved in water, Effluent - Liquid waste or sewage discharged into a river or the sea, Fertilization - Sperm and egg meet to form a zygote, Heat Capacity - Absorbs a lot of heat energy without temperature change, Heavy Metals - Any metallic element that has a high density and is toxic or poisonous at low concentrations; mercury, cadmium, arsenic, chromium, thallium, lead, Hydroponics - Technique of growing plants using a water based nutrient solution rather than soil, Ions - Elements with a charge, Liming - treating soil or water with lime (calcium and magnesium rich materials) to reduce acidity and improve fertility or oxygen levels, Solubility - Ability to dissolve solutes; water can dissolve ions, salts, and polar molecules, Thermal Stress - A temperature change that is severe enough to cause lethal conditions to aquatic organisms or ecosystems, Organic - Any molecule that contains carbon, pH - A scale that determines the number of hydrogen ions in solution; solutions are either an acid or a base on a scale between 0-14, Salinity - Salt concentration, Salts - Consists of the positive ion of a base and the negative ion of an acid, Saturation - Adding solute to the point where it can no longer be dissolved by water, Settling Pond - Earthen or concrete structure using sedimentation to remove settleable matter and turbidity from water water; used to control water pollution in aquaculture, agriculture, and mining industries , Titrant - a substance of a precise concentration, Titrimetric - Method of analysis in which a solution is being determined is treated with a solution of an exact known concentration , Turbidity - Quality of being cloudy, opaque, of thick with suspended matter, Water Hardness - The amount of calcium and magnesium in the water,
Unit 12 Water Requirements for Aquaculture: Key Terms
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