FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT - president who created the New Deal to end the Depression, NEW DEAL - FDR's plan to end the Depression, REFORM - changing something to improve it, FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION (FDIC) - if your bank closes, the government would give you back your money, FEDERAL SECURITIES ACT (FSA) - businesses must be honest to their shareholders and made rules that punish violators, SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (SEC) - monitored the stock market and enforced stock laws, FIRESIDE CHAT - FDR’s radio talks to explain his New Deal plans, AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT (AAA) - raised crop prices by lowering production…farmers paid to leave land unseeded and destroy some livestock/crops, CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS (CCC) - 18-25 year-olds built parks, planted trees, and created flood-control projects, UNION - organization of workers who fight for better working conditions, LIBERALS / LEFT - those who support change, CONSERVATIVES / RIGHT - those who support tradition, ELEANOR ROOSEVELT - First Lady who pushed FDR to do more for minorities and poor, WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION (WPA) - created 9 million jobs building roads, airports, schools and employed musicians, artists, writers, SOCIAL SECURITY ACT (SSA) - gave direct relief to retirees, unemployed, blind, disabled, single moms, NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS ACT (NLRA) - gave workers the right to unionize and collectively bargain, FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) - created minimum wage and maximum hours; banned child labor, FRANCES PERKINS - secretary of labor who helped create Social Security and labor legislation, MARY MCLEOD BETHUNE - African American who ensured New Deal helped minorities…organized “Black Cabinet”, TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY (TVA) - created hydroelectric power, built dams to prevent floods… created many jobs,

US2.3 New Deal Terms


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