Tape Measure - To take body measurements, Measure fabric and Measure pattern pieces, Seam Gauge - Measure seam allowances and hems, Pins - Pins - Used to hold fabric together; has a ball on the top, Pincushion - Used for safe storage for pins, Shears - Used to cut fabrics, and thread, bent handle allows fabric to lay flat while cutting, Iron - Metal appliance used to press and steam fabrics, Needle - Used to pull thread through fabric for hand sewing, Seam Ripper - Used to remove stitches with a small blade, Bobbin - Holds the thread in the bottom of the machine, thread - Used to sew fabric together, face - the printed side of the fabric, or the side you want to show, seam - The line where two pieces of fabric are sewn together., seam allowance - the narrow width of fabric between the seam line and the cut edge of the fabric, Backstitch - the reverse stitch on the sewing machine, used at the beginning and ending of a seam, thimble - a small metal cap to protect the finger while sewing, needle threader - a device for helping to put thread through the eye of a needle, marking chalk/pencils - Washable chalk or lead used to mark fabric, tracing wheel - a metal or plastic piece that is placed over a finger to protect it from being stuck with a needle while pressing it into fabric, pattern - A template on paper or cardboard from which all of the pieces of the garment are traced onto fabric. All the parts are then cut out and assembled to create the final piece., foot pedal - Step on the foot pedal to power your sewing machine., presser foot - This is the part of the sewing machine that holds the fabric steady while the fabric is being stitched., hand wheel - Moving this makes the take-up lever and needle go up and down. The main purpose is to be able to slowly turn the needle by hand, giving you control to position the fabric under the needle. It also turns when the machine is running., spool pin - This part of the sewing machine keeps the spool in place while the thread is fed through the machine., thread cutter - Some sewing machines come with built-in thread cutters. As the name implies, this cuts the end of the thread., feed dog - The toothed metal piece underneath the stitch plate that moves up and down to push the fabric along., raw edge - The edge of the piece of fabric after it is cut but before it is hemmed. If left raw, the fabric might fray., hem - The edge of the fabric that has been folded and sewn under in order to keep the raw edge of the fabric from unraveling and being seen., quilting - The process of stitching two layers of fabric together, with a layer of filling in between in a consistent pattern., applique - The process of sewing a piece of fabric onto another piece of fabric, sewing close to the edges of the shape that you attach., baste - Sewing by hand or machine, with long stitches in order to temporarily hold together two pieces of fabric, so that they stay in place while you stitch them together.,
Sewing Terms
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