1) I'm the boss in the kitchen, commanding all that's prepared. Who am I in this place where culinary skills are shared? 2) I dress the table, an essential set for meals, with forks and knives, it's the place setting deals. 3) A tingle on the tongue, it gives a kind of heat, Not sweet or savory, a flavor that's hard to beat. 4) A token of gratitude, a sum beyond the bill, For the server's service, a gesture that's no chill. 5) I come in bottles and bring flavor to greet, I can be spicy or sweet, making the meal complete. Who am I, spicing up the foodie's treat? 6) Last on the menu, I'm a sweet and neat, I end the meal with a sugary, final beat. 7) I'm tasty but unhealthy, a flavor so indiscreet, I'm loved by many, though not the health elite. 8) I'm rather plain, Not spicy or lively, but quite mundane. 9) I'm not soft or smooth; I'm not a liquid drink, I snap and crackle with each bite, you see. 10) I'm not dry, I am full of water, Like a watermelon fruit or melon, its daughter.

Riddles : food and restaurant


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