impartial - fair; to do right by each person in every situation, living water - a flowing spring of water; phrase that refers to the Holy Spirit, Samaria - a territory within Israel whose people were known for mixing worship of God with idol worship, Born again - given a new life by the Holy Spirit through personal faith in Jesus, salvation - saved from sins punishment and made right with God thru faith in Jesus's finished work on the cross, omnipotent - all powerful, Trinity - word that describes that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one God in three persons, prophet - someone chosen by God to speak His words to others, often including promises and predictions about the future, disciple - a person who follows a leader to learn from the leader and become like that person, Savior - someone who rescues or saves people from harm, eternal life - life in relationship with God that begins when a person trusts in Jesus for salvation and does not end at physical death but continues with God forever, condemn - to call wrong or guilty, to sentence someone to punishment,

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