St. Nicholas is the patron saint of _______. - Sailors, children, wolves, and pawnbrokers., In what two countries is Santa known as “Pere Noel”? - France and Belgium., Why did Santa Claus need Rudolph to guide his sleigh on Christmas Eve? - It was too foggy and Santa needed the light from Rudolph’s nose to see., How many reindeer does Santa have? - Nine, Many countries celebrate St. Nicholas Day on what day of the year? - December 6th., What does Santa give the naughty children for Christmas? - A lump of coal., What does Santa’s belly shake like? - A bowl full of jelly., How many times does Santa check his "Naughty and Nice" list? - Twice, Santa has a favorite snack. What is it? - Cookies and milk, Who makes the toys that Santa delivers? - Elves,

Santa Claus

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