Line Conditioner: A device that adjusts voltages in under-voltage and overvoltage conditions to maintain a 120 V output, It raises a sag or under-voltage event back to normal levels, but cannot protect from a complete power failure or power outage., Protects against power spikes/surge and against an under-voltage event, UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) / Backup Battery: An electrical apparatus that provides ER power to a load when the input power source becomes too low or the main power fails, A redundant power system that provides mins-hrs of power from an internal battery unit, Provides near-instantaneous protection from input power interruptions by using a battery backup, Surge Suppressor / Protector: Defends against possible voltage spikes that could damage your electronics, appliances, or equipment, Protects against a power spike and UP TO lightning but not power loss/failure., Costs more than a power strip but less than a UPS/Backup Battery or a Line Conditioner, Power Strip: A very inexpensive extension of electrical outlet, Will not protect against voltage spikes or any larger event, Incredibly inexpensive, Diesel Generator: A device that converts rotational motion created by a diesel motor into electrical energy, Protects against long-duration power loss events, not under-voltage events., Cost more than surge suppressor, line conditioner, UPS,

CompTIA A+ 1102 Power Protection

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