Fixed Interval: The bell ringing at the end of a class period, Getting a paycheck at the end of 2 weeks, A dog is fed at 6am and 6pm, An elderly couple watches Wheel of Fortune every night at 6:30 PM., For every 30 minutes Jorge spends being productive, he takes a 5-minute break., Fixed Ratio: Buy 10 sandwiches, get 1 free, A rat is given food pellets for every five times it presses a lever., Frequent flyer program where one gets a free flight after a specific number of miles flown., A hotel maid takes a 15-minute break after cleaning 10 rooms, Getting a Starburst after reading every 30 pages, A college student needs 120 credits to graduate., Variable Interval: Calling your mechanic to see if your car is fixed yet., Checking to see when your cookies are done baking when you forgot to set a timer., Random drug testing, Waiting for a sunny day to go to the beach, Checking your phone to see if you got a text/snap., A college professor gives 5 pop quizzes a semester to ensure student study., Variable Ratio: Slot machines, A boxer has to hit his opponent an unknown number of times before a knockout., A professional baseball player gets a hit approximately every third time at bat., Selling a product door to door, A charitable organization makes an average of 10 phone calls for every donation it receives.,
Schedules of Reinforcement
11th Grade
12th Grade
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