You'd be amazed - at just how well my 98-year old grandma can hear., Doesn't it worry - you that pretty soon you might end up getting sick?, Don't you think - it would be better if you cut down on sweets?, Hang on a minute... - Are you sure becoming a vegetarian is going to be that easy?, Well, maybe - it's time I gave up smoking. What do you think?, Doesn't it upset you - that you're overworked and underpaid? , I don't know about you, - but I don't personally think you have to go to the gym to be healthy., Truth be told, - you can't change everybody's mind. But I still think the government should encourage people to exercise more., The thing - is, you have to get started somehow. Why not do yoga then?, My eating habits are far from being - perfect, but I do think they've improved considerably.,

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