1) Health and Safety rules should be displayed a) in a prominent position b) behind a door c) near an exit d) in a discreet position 2) When was the health and safety at work act? a) 1979 b) 1974 c) 2000 d) 1956 3) Why is Health and Safety important? a) Because its the law b) To keep people safe and unharmed 4) You get fined for not following health and safety law. a) True b) False 5) Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, an employer must: a) Provide a bright, cheerful place to work b) Provide personalised hard hats in a variety of colours c) Give everyone their very own copy of company safety policy d) Safeguard the safety and health of all employees 6) What do the Health and Safety (first aid) Regs 1981 include? a) First aid box b) Trained staff and appropriate equipment c) First aid room d) Adequate facilities 7) PPE legislation states that a) all chemicals must to stored correctly b) employers need to provide resources in good repair c) all data needs to be secure d) manual handling is adhered to 8) What does PPE stand for? a) Protection Presentation Equipment b) Personal Protective Equipment c) Preperation Punctuation Equality d) Personal Protection Evaluation 9) To maintain hygiene in the salon you should? a) wash tools in water b) leave used towels lying around c) sanitise all surfaces d) leave hair cuttings on the floor 10) Who would you report any problems to in the salon? a) Your Friend b) Your Client c) The Receptionist d) the manager or senior therapist 11) As a salon manager what hazards must you be aware of? a) No bags and coats, no loose hanging wires b) No stylists chewing gum c) Clear walkways, no hanging wires and spillages cleaned d) Stylists working to industry time 12) Which one of the following under the Electricity at work regulations would you NOT do ? a) Checking leads and flexes before use b) If faulty, label, remove, report c) Washing electrical items before use d) Use only for intended purpose 13) What does RIDDOR mean? a) Recording Incidents Drugs Dents Occupational Regs b) Red Implications Drafts Drops Operational Report c) Reading Interpretations Discipline Disorders Opening Ruling d) Reporting Injuries Diseases Dangerous Occurrences Regs 14) Why was RIDDOR introduced? a) To make sure employers report accidents b) To close down business c) To increase tax d) To make more paperwork 15) What does COSHH means? a) Control of Substances that are Hazardous at Home b) Control of Substances that are Healthy Healthy c) Control of Sustances Hazardous to Hadlow college d) Control Of Substances that are Hazardous To Health 16) Lighting with a beauty salon should be ? a) Controlled by a dimmer switch b) Suitable for the treatment in progress c) Strip fluorescent lighting d) Sufficient so the client can follow the treatment 17) Why is it important to have high standards of hygiene and cleanliness in your beauty salon ? a) So that your boss doesn't call you lazy and sack you b) So that you let everyone know your salon is sterile c) So the clients don't moan about you being a dirty salon d) So that clients have confidence & you avoid cross infection 18) How should disinfectants be used in the salon? a) for 10 minutes b) minimum of 10 minutes c) anything over 5 minutes is affective d) according to manufacturer's Instructions 19) How can hazardous manual handling operations be assessed? a) Assess the operations risk on completion of the task b) Complete a risk assessment c) Just be careful and see how it goes d) Get the job done without any assessment 20) What is the correct manual handling technique? a) knees bent, back straight b) knees bent, back bent c) knees straight, back straight d) knees bent, back back 21) What does the DPA stand for? a) Data Password Access b) Data Protection Act c) Duel Point Aim 22) What is the Data Protection Act? a) protects your data from hackers b) It outlines the requirements for the controls of stored data c) Protects from data being deleted 23) What colour bag is a clinical waste bag? a) Clear b) Black c) White d) Orange/yellow 24) What types of people are protected by the Equality Act 2010? a) Pregnant b) Religious/ Non-religious c) Married d) Old/ Young 25) What is The Equality Act? a) treating people equally b) treating people fairly c) treating people differently d) treat everyone the same 26) What are you responible for under the Electricity at Work Regulation? a) Send equipment away to be mended b) Try to repair equipment yourself c) Maintain a professional environment d) Report any faulty electrical equipment

Level 1 Health & Safety in Salon

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