1) Emergency meeting! Who was the imposter? a) Red b) Blue c) Yellow d) Skip 2) Yellow is acting sus! What should we do? a) call an emergency meeting b) finish our tasks 3) Emergency meeting! Who was the imposter? a) Red b) Blue c) Yellow d) Skip 4) Dead body! Who was the imposter? a) Red b) Blue c) Yellow d) Skip 5) Is Blue acting sus? a) True b) False 6) Dead body! Who was the imposter? a) Red b) Blue c) Yellow d) Skip 7) Blue is acting sus! What should we do? a) call an emergency meeting b) finish our tasks 8) Emergency meeting! Who was the imposter? a) Red b) Blue c) Yellow d) Skip 9) Dead body! Who was the imposter? a) Red b) Blue c) Yellow d) Skip 10) is Red acting sus? a) Yes b) No

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