Sonic - He's pretty much the main character of the whole franchise, Tails - Sonic's lovable pal, Knuckles - a red echindna that was once Sonic's enemy, Amy - She is a big fan of Sonic and loves him...A LOT, Dr. Robotknik - He is Sonic's biggest pest!! he wants to gain control of the Chaos Emeralds, Metal Sonic - A robotic version of Sonic made by Dr. Robotknik, Shadow - A faster, edgier, and more evil version of Sonic, Big The Cat - No one really likes this dude, he goes fishing a lot, and is a friend of Sonic, Cream The Rabbit - Name sounds kinda sus, but she is a young rabbit who only got to tag along with Sonic once..., Sally Acorn - One of the Freedom Fighters from SATAM. She likes Sonic and is usually the smart one, Scratch - He is a robot made by Robotknik. He was made "Too Chicken" according to the Dr. himself, Grounder - He is the identical twin of Scratch. Mostly made to catch Sonic along with Scratch, Bunnie Rabbot - She is one of the Freedom Fighters. she was half roboticized until she broke free from her chamber , Rouge The Bat - Just don't ask..., Omochaos - Pretty much the Tamagochi of the Sonic world,

Sonic's Maze Madness

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