1) It's sunny. a) b) c) 2) It's rainy. a) b) c) 3) It's windy. a) b) c) 4) It's hot. a) b) c) 5) It's cold. a) b) c) 6) It's snowy. a) b) c) 7) How many days were rainy? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 8) On most days the weather was _____. a) sunny b) rainy c) snowy 9) How many more days were rainy than snowy? a) 4 b) 6 c) 2 d) 10 10) Most of the days were _______. a) stormy b) rainy c) cloudy d) sunny 11) This is used to measure _______. a) wind b) rain c) water d) temperature 12) Moving air is ______. a) fog b) rain c) wind d) sleet 13) This is a ______. a) thermometer b) ruler c) tape measure d) measuring cup 14) In Georgia, the warmest season is ______. a) spring b) summer c) fall d) winter 15) In Georgia, the coldest season is _____.  a) spring b) summer c) fall d) winter 16) What measures wind direction? a) Wind Vane b) Thermometer c) Barometer d) Anemometer 17) In Georgia, what season comes after winter? a) Summer b) Fall c) Spring d) Dry Season 18) What measures the amount of rainfall? a) Barometer b) Thermometer c) Bucket d) Rain gauge

What's the Weather? Quiz-GA version-inspired by Ljbteacher's What's the Weather Quiz

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