1) adjust to a) via b) accommodate c) revise d) predominate e) induce f) implicit 2) by way of a) predominate b) implicit c) revise d) induce e) denote f) via 3) to correct or improve a) denote b) implicit c) revise d) induce e) commodity f) predominate 4) to have controlling power or influence a) predominate b) induce c) implicit d) denote e) arbitrary f) commodity 5) cause to happen a) commodity b) denote c) thesis d) induce e) arbitrary f) implicit 6) not plainly expressed a) thesis b) denote c) accommodate d) commodity e) implicit f) arbitrary 7) to indicate a) denote b) thesis c) commodity d) accommodate e) arbitrary f) via 8) valuable product a) arbitrary b) revise c) accommodate d) commodity e) via f) thesis 9) based on a random choice a) accommodate b) via c) arbitrary d) revise e) thesis f) predominate 10) the primary position taken by a writer or speaker a) via b) thesis c) predominate d) accommodate e) revise f) induce

GED High Mileage Words - Set 9 - Part B

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