Excuse me, can you please ____ the way? I need to get through. Oh, sorry about that. I'll move out of the way. Why did you ____ the queue at the supermarket? I only have one item, so I thought it wouldn't be a problem. Don't ____ litter on the ground, it's not good for the environment. I know, I'll ____ it away in the bin over there. How do you usually ____ to stressful situations? I try to stay calm and analyze the situation before reacting. Sarah: Hey, Alex, I need your help with something. Alex: Sure, what's up? Sarah: Well, I'm trying to rearrange my room, but this big wardrobe is ____ the way. Can you give me a ____ moving it? Alex: Of course, let's ____ of the way first. Emma: Hey, did you see that guy ____ the queue at the bus stop earlier? Tom: Yeah, I couldn't believe it. He just walked right up. Emma: It's so ____. People should know better than to skip ahead like that. Sophie: Look at those kids over there who ____ litter all over the park. Jake: It's such a shame. People need to be more responsible and ____ litter properly. Sophie: Definitely. Let's go over and remind them to ____ after themselves Chris: Did you see how Mary ____ to the situation in the meeting earlier? Emily: Yes, she handled it really well. She stayed calm. David: How did you ____ to the situation when the fire alarm went off? Laura: At first, I was startled, but then I remembered the evacuation procedure, so I remained calm and exited the building.

SO B1+ Unit 2C Collocations - complete

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