christmas - a snowy holiday, halloween - a holiday where its scary, Memorial day - holiday honoring the men and woman who died while serving in the US army, 4th of july - a holiday with fireworks, new years day - the first day of the year, monkeys eat - bananas, give thanks - thanksgiving, To honor his life - Martin Luther King day, feet - you put shoes on your ......, weekends - you dont go to school on ....., april 30th - today is ....., may 1st - tomorrow is..., April 29th - yesterday was...., blue - the sky is..., green - the grass is...., 25th - christmas is on the..., 28th - thanksgiving 2024 is on..., 1st of may - may day is on the..., 4th - independence day is on the..., 20th - Martin Luther King day is on the..., September 4th - labor day 2024 is on the...., 19th - Juneteenth is on the..., may 3rd - in 3 days it will be...., may 4th - in 4 days it will be...., may 5th - in 5 days it will be , may 6th - in 6 days it will be..., may 7th - in 7 days it will be...., may 8th - in 8 days it will be...., may 9th - in 9 days it will be..., may 2nd - in 2 days its...,


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