date / place - of birth, marital - status, good - -looking, in (his/her) early - twenties, in (his/her) late - forties, in (his/her) mid- - thirties, middle- - aged, average / medium - height / length, have a good - figure, have a - paunch / haircut, pony - -tail, well - -built, bushy - eyebrows, clean - -shaven, clear/fair/dark/pale/ tanned/good/ healthy - complexion, distinguishing / facial - features, pointed / snub / flat - nose, wear - spectacles / glasses, broad / narrow - -minded, good / ill - -natured, ill - -mannered, strong - -willed, short / bad - -tempered, two- - faced, take after - one's father / mother, etc., sense of - humour, self- - assured/centred/confident/conscious, make an - impression, easy- - going, lower - back,

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