blue-/white-collar  - worker, manual / physical / skilled / unskilled - work, full-/part-time / temporary / permanent - job, odd - jobs, work - freelance / from home, be in charge - of sth / sb, be on - call, clock - on / off, earn one's - living, get - a pay rise / a raise / promoted, make - a loss / a profit, maternity - cover, off / on - duty, stand in - for sb, work / do - overtime, be made - redundant, be on the - dole, give sb - the sack, give - up work, job - seeker, out - of work, flight - attendant, receive  - (state) benefits, sick - leave, take - a leave, take time / a day / knock - off, security - guard, fill in - a form, apply for - a job, unemployment - benefit,

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