Text Features - help to locate important information and better understand the text, Text Structure - how the author organizes their writing, Primary Source - firsthand, by the person who experienced it, Secondary Source - author retells the events using facts and information, Central Idea - the most important thought in the text, Relevant Details - text evidence that supports the Central Idea, Photograph - shows us images to better understand the text, Captions - explains the photographs and why they are important, Sidebar - gives additional information related to the topic (looks different than the rest of the text, Heading - tells us what the section will be about , Timeline - a chronological list of time/events , Map - shows where places and features are located, Diagram - labes pictures and photos with names and parts, Author's Claim - ideas that the author is trying to convince the reader, Author's Perspective - the author's particular attitude towards something, Description - gives many details about/ describes something, Chronology - putting events in order by date and time, Problem and Solution - author gives a problem and tells how to solve the problem, Compare and Contrast - how two or more things are similar and different, Cause and Effect - events happen as a result of something else, Summarize - putting the most important information from the text into your own words, Sequence - putting events in order by STEPS (first, next, then, finally),
Informational Vocabulary
4th Grade
Informational text
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